Sunday, January 20, 2013

Haven't forgotten!

Don't worry! I will post tomorrow (later today technically). I have been keeping track of my goals but just seem to keep forgetting to post them :)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Days 10, 11, 12

Day 10:

goal: hang up all of the clothes that belong in my closet

reason: my little basket was almost 4 feet tall with clothes that I just hadn't bothered to hang up!

accomplished: yes indeed!

Day 11:

goal: get all dressed up just because

reason: I haven't had to work since December 17th, and the last time I dressed up was Christmas Eve. I decided to just get all dressed up for the fun of it and enjoy a new outfit I bought with Christmas money :)

accomplished: of course! I even did my hair and wore makeup :)

Day 12:

goal: clean my bathroom!

reason: it was disgusting. I had been putting it off, waiting, hoping that maybe for once my sister would decide to clean the bathroom (she hasn't touched it even once since she moved back... not even the trash). Silly me :p

accomplished: YES! I no longer feel embarrassed to have other people use my bathroom. It's sparkling clean and smells super fresh :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 8 and 9

Day 8:

goal: write at least part of a song

reason: I keep saying I want to write music, and I have ideas every now and then, but I never get around to writing down or recording any of it. So I decided that I would make an attempt to at least write down part of a song idea, no matter how good (or bad) it may be.

accomplished: sort of... lol. I thought of a melody! But no words. So I recorded it as a voice memo on my phone and we'll see if any more inspiration hits!

Day 9:


reason: I am a homebody. I am more of an introvert than anything else. And generally I don't prefer going to large gatherings, especially where I don't know most of the people. But I felt like I should go to small group, even if I didn't really want to. Make myself do something out of my comfort zone.

accomplished: yes, I went :) and it was good.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7

Today's goal: do not drink any pop!!

Reason: this one is a little more obvious. Pop is bad for you in so so many ways and I've started to get back into a habit of drinking it. No more!

Accomplished: yes indeed!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 6

Today has been good and busy compared to life as of late!

Goal: go to bed before 11

Reason: I stay up way too late and wake up way too early. It wreaks havoc on my insomnia problems that already exist!

Accomplished: almost! I'm on target since I plan on being in bed in the next 20 minutes. So most likely yes :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Days 3-5

Playing a bit of catch up here! I've been keeping with the goal-setting, unfortunately one of my goals has NOT been to blog on time! :)

Day 3
goal: to get up right when my alarm goes off WITHOUT hitting snooze!

reason: this is something I ALWAYS struggle with, because my bed is just so cozy! and 6:30am just seems so early to leave that warm cocoon. But I've read lots of different studies that say getting up without hitting the snooze is better for you mentally and physically.

accomplished: YES! surprisingly! I'm waiting for the day that the answer to this question is no, but hopefully that won't come!

Day 4
goal: to apply for at least 10 part time jobs.

reason: lets face it, working for just an hour and a half a day doesn't pay all that much. I LOVE my piano playing job! But since I am free almost all day and really bored at home, I decided to try to find some part time work just maybe 10-15 hours a week.

accomplished: the applying part, yes. but so far I haven't found a job around here. there are almost none to be had. but I won't get one if I don't keep applying!

Day 5
goal: talk to 5 new people I didn't previously know

reason: I had my first dance rehearsal for Fiddler on the Roof this morning. I only previously knew 2-3 members of the cast. So to try and get out of my hermit shell, I wanted to start up a conversation with some ladies I had never met before in an attempt to make new friends and become a real part of the company.

accomplished: YES! And everyone I talked to is super nice. Makes me excited for the next month and a half of rehearsals and then the show :)

Stay tuned! I will try to post more ON the actual date, but we'll see how that goes :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 2

Day 2 is here! These posts are usually going to be pretty short, since this blog is mostly for just me to keep track :) but if you're out there reading, yay!

Goal: try a new recipe

Reason: I am trying to cook dinner more often, especially since I am home for most of the day almost every day (I only work PART part time in the mornings). I tend to cook the same old standby recipes, such as stir fry, tacos, and just plain grilled chicken. So I wanted to try something new, and I ended up making up a recipe on my own!

Acomplished: YES a thousand times! it was a huge success and super delicious!